ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The appearance of up-to-date technological equipment and modern methods of raw materials processing and cooking in the market of food services leads to the necessity to study consumer properties of finished goods. Today, the modern professional equipment market has a wide range of different brands of steam convection oven. However, the parameters of different modes of heat processing in steam convection oven are poorly studied. Therefore, the study of quality characteristics of raw materials processed in a steam convection oven is relevant. For consumers, one of the main quality factors of the product is its nutritive value, as well as organoleptic characteristics which depend on a number of factors such as the processing mode, the duration of treatment and the type of equipment. Raw materials of animal origin such as beef, chicken, salmon, pollack and eggs were the main objects of the study. Conventional methods were used in the research. At the first stage of the research the amount of edible parts in the tested samples of meat, fish end egg products were determined during mechanical treatment. The differences of technological parameters (modes) of processing of raw animal materials prepared in a steam convection oven and by a standard technology have been studied and analyzed. Determined was the mass fraction of solids and fat both in raw materials and finished goods. At the last stage of the research organoleptic characteristics of raw materials subjected to various kinds of heat treatment (cooking, roasting, stewing) have been studied. The results obtained showed that the product prepared in the steam convection oven has several advantages: 5-10 min cooking time reduction; improved organoleptic characteristics of the product in comparison with the one produced using the standard technology.
Raw materials of animal origin, steam convection oven, consumer characteristics, technological processing, organoleptic characteristics
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