ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Labeling is one of the sources of information about the product for consumers. Labeling requirements are set by actual regulatory documents, but they apply only to the information content and the quality of labeling is not considered. Consumer knowledge of the product begins with the examining of the label. If the consumer is satisfied with the information content of the label, its accessibility and complete description of all characteristics, he makes a choice in favor of the product, otherwise no purchase is made. It should be noted that quality of the information content does not always coincide with its accessibility and preservation capacity during the product distribution and realization. As a general rule, labels themselves are also regulated by legal acts in terms of materials, their qualitative characteristics and coloring, as well as the position of information about a product, but at the same time there is no common approach to the assessment of the marking on the label, its security, accessibility and preservation capacity during the transportation from the producer to the consumer. In this situation a comprehensive approach is significant for the assessment of information on the label that will identify not only informational inconsistencies but also violations of safety, preservation and accessibility. The criteria development for labeling quality assessment regarding not only the content but also the quality of the label is a relevant task, the solution of which will enable to satisfy the informational needs of consumers. It will also allow the manufacturer to increase the competitiveness of goods and trade enterprises to avoid the costs of transportation. As a result of the research, the organoleptic, physical and chemical indices of the label quality enabling to identify its inconsistencies have been distinguished and grouped, Determination methods of such indices have also been developed.
Labeling, quality indices, quality assessment, range of indices
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