ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article is devoted to the actual theme aimed at solving the problem of widening the assortment of gluten-free foods. The main share in the market of gluten-free foods in Russia belongs to imported products that are much more expensive than similar wheat flour confectionery. So in some areas of Russia measures of social support for people suffering from celiac disease are provided. This dictates the need to provide patients suffering from celiac with quality and inexpensive specialized products produced in Russia. The article reports about the possibility of replacing solid fats with liquid vegetable oils to save expensive and deficient raw materials, as well as to limit the content of trans-isomers of fatty acids in pastry. Generally accepted methods of research were used during the study. As a result, a recipe of gluten free cookies based on a mixture of dry ingredients with corn flour and liquid vegetable oil has been developed. The optimum moisture content of the dough and citrus dosage of dietary fiber that are introduced for stabilization of dough consistency and structure of cookies have been established. The technology for preparation of dough from corn flour by means of scalding a dry mixture of components with the subsequent molding of dough pieces by jigging has been proposed. It is shown, that scalding of a dry mixture of components positively affects the taste and quality of cookies, and the use of citrus fibers can improve the shape holding ability of the dough. The cost and nutritional value of gluten-free cookies based on a mixture of dry ingredients with corn flour and liquid vegetable oil have been calculated. The results obtained prove that the developed cookies are gluten free, have higher nutritional value and lower cost in comparison with traditional biscuits from wheat flour of the highest grade.
Pastry, gluten free cookies, corn flour, vegetable oil
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