ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Dairy dessert with increased antioxidant activity (AOA) based on milk and sweet whey with food additives (FA) such as barley flour, sunroot and chicory powders have been developed for prevention of oxidant stress induced-diseases. AOA of FA and dessert have been studied. Total content of water-soluble antioxidants was the following: 0.36mg/g (24-fold higher than in milk) in sunroot; 3.2 mg/g (213-fold higher than in milk) in chicory; 0.037 mg/g (2.5-fold higher than in milk) in barley flour; 0.24 mg/g (4-fold higher than in a FA-free control sample) in enriched dessert. Physical-chemical parameters of a product have been evaluated. The dessert contained 5.15 g of protein, 4.4 g of fat, 16.84 g of carbohydrates, 1.96 g of inulin, 0.39 g of fibers in 100g of the product. Introduction of FA into dairy product allowed us to enrich the product with natural antioxidants, food fibers, inulin, a complex of minerals. The total amino acid amount increased by 4.1-6.7%, the content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids increased 5- and 2.3-fold respectively. The dessert AOA increased 4-fold vs. a control sample. Medico-biological evaluation of the dessert in homothermal animals has been done. Blood antioxidant parameters of the dessert fed animals have been studied. It has been demonstrated that malondialdehyde concentration in blood serum of experimental animals was lower than that in a control group fed with a FA-free dessert, whereas the concentration of reduced glutathione was 2.5-fold higher. This reflects protective serum potential against free radical formation both in intact and control groups. The introduction of the dairy dessert into the diet of experimental animals improved peripheral blood values decreasing cholesterol level by 10-11.1% and triglycerides by 17-23.9%. Based on our results, the developed dairy dessert can be recommended for strengthening antioxidant protection of the body, preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Dairy dessert, food additives, experimental animals, blood parameters, antioxidant protection
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