ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The development of equipment for food processing enterprises caused by dissatisfaction with the reached level requires further improvement of methods for the development of the equipment-and-technology system, and also requires the analysis of all processes in a technological flow. Diagnostics of the corresponding technological system should become an indispensable condition of scientific justification of such developments. The article deals with quality evaluation of the integrity level of existing and adapted technological flows of instant granulated drink production. As a result of the research it has been established that the level of integrity of the existing production technology is low and constitutes Θ=-0.16. It has also been established that low stability of functioning of the line as a system considerably decreases in time because of instability of functioning of a subsystem of extraction (η=0.64) that is caused by instability of the process of extraction performed by a traditional method resulting in low quality of the produced drinks. To increase the stability of a subsystem of extraction the device for dispersing and extraction of plant raw materials has been developed. The use of the device makes it possible to intensify the process of extraction of fruit raw materials due to more effective impact on its cellular structure. As a result the output of extractives with preserved physiological value increases, and the need for preliminary crushing of the extracted raw materials passes. Thus, after performing repeated diagnostics of the modernized technological flow it has been established that stability of a subsystem of extraction has increased up to η=0.92 during the estimated interval of time. It has led to substantial increase of the level of integrity of a technological flow of instant granulated drink production up to Θ=0.21 followed by a shift of the level of integrity of a technological flow from the sphere of badly organized systems to the sphere of highly organized, complete systems.
Technological flow, instant granulated drinks, technological system, extraction, fruit raw material, diagnostics of technological flows
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