ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Successful functioning of a region as a socioeconomic system assumes the solution of a set of various tasks. The major one among them is the adequate provision of population with food and consequently, training appropriate specialists. The analysis of the sociological data of regional questionnaire of students from 8 state higher educational institutions of the Kemerovo region has been carried out for quality evaluation of training specialists at Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (KemIFST). It showed that general attitude of KemIFST students to the higher educational institution and studies is more positive than on average across the Kuzbass that testifies to the positive emotional background created at the educational institution. More than 80% of KemIFST students are sure that their future profession will be demanded in the labour market. Most of the students hope to get a profile job after graduating. At the same time, high salary, comfortable working conditions and the opportunity to make a career will be the most important factors to be considered when choosing a place of employment by KemIFST graduates. Two thirds of KemIFST students firmly intend to work within their specialty, but one third of them aren’t determined with the plans for future working life yet. To find a job the students are going to start with mailing their résumé to enterprises and organizations; a lot of students expect to have direct communication with employers and to get the aid of the higher educational institution. However, at KemIFST there are far fewer, than on average in the region, students who work while studying at the institution. The carried-out analysis show that the students highly appreciate the quality of professional training at the higher educational institution; it gives them confidence in successful employment after graduating. And the region can expect that specialists trained at KemIFST will be able to ensure its food security.
Socioeconomic system, food security, food industry, training, employment, student, sociological research
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