ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Various plant raw materials are used to produce low-alcohol beverages. A goal of the article is to show the possibility of obtaining gluten-free low-alcohol beverages fermented from light and scalding buckwheat malt and to evaluate their quality. Light malt is made from Pri 373 and Izumrud buckwheat grain varieties; scalding malt is made from Izumrud variety. Barley malt or amylolytic enzymes are added to saccharify the mash. The wort is fermented using Saflager 34/70 dry beer yeast of bottom fermentation. It has been found that when barley malt is used for saccharification the proportion of light buckwheat malt (Pri 373) in a malt charge cannot be higher than 50% but the buckwheat malt content rises to 100% when the amylolytic enzyme is added to the mash. Low-alcohol beverages fermented from light and scalding buckwheat malt obtained by adding the amylolytic enzyme are gluten-free. They correspond to GOST 52700-2006 by quality factors and are characterized by high sensory properties. No significant differences in sensory and analytical characteristics of beverages obtained from light buckwheat malt prepared from grain of different varieties (Pri 373 and Izumrud) have been found. For the first time the possibility to use scalding malt from buckwheat for obtaining a low-alcohol beverage has been demonstrated.
Gluten-free low-alcohol beverages, light buckwheat malt, scalding buckwheat malt
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