ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article is devoted to the problem of widening the assortment of chopped semifinished products. According to the principles of food combinatorics and nutritsitology, the recipe and technology of production of fried sausages have been developed which include regional vegetable raw materials - pumpkin pulp and hip powder. The influence of herbal ingredients on the technological process, the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as the safety indices of the chopped semifinished products in casing are considered. The positive effect of using the pumpkin pulp and hip powder in the recipe of the fried sausages has been proved experimentally. Adding pumpkin pulp to the recipe helps to increase the juiciness of the product, create a pattern on the cut, and increase food and biological value. The introduction of hip powder into the composition of semifinished products in casing helps us to enrich the product with vitamin C. Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the human body regulating blood clotting and providing anti-inflammatory action, and being a strong antioxidant, it affects the technological process. Formulations ofthe fried sausages allows us to produce a product with good organoleptic characteristics and enriched with ascorbic acid. Thus, a functional product of good quality and with improved food and biological value that meets all consumer requirements has been obtained.
Fried sausages, semifinished product, meat product, regional raw material, pumpkin, wild rose
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