a Far Eastern Federal University
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The use of milled red lentil seeds as a component of composite flour mixes from wheat baker's flour of increased nutritional and biological value is theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed. The most important role of nutrition components belongs to proteins, the main function of which is to supply the human body with amino acids necessary for the synthesis of the body's own proteins. Besides proteins, dietary fibers and minerals are important. Lentil seeds are chosen as a component of composite flour mixes due to high nutritional and biological value. Lentil seeds are characterized by high protein content balanced by amino acid composition, mineral substances, vitamins (β-carotene, PP, В1, В2, В6) and dietary fibers. The results of chemical analysis of milled red lentil seeds, including the amino acid composition of proteins, are presented. Comparative analysis of chemical composition of graded flour and milled red lentil seeds shows the significant superiority of lentils by the content of protein, dietary fibers and mineral substances, including calcium and magnesium. Doses of milled red lentil seeds which make possible to obtain composite flour mixes with high biological value of protein have been determined through computer modeling. The data of chemical analysis of composite flour mixes from wheat flour of various types and milled red lentil seeds are presented. It has been established that the selected doses of milled red lentil seeds allow us to create composite flour mixes with high content of protein (18.9-17.0%), dietary fibers (11.32-8.6%), and mineral substances (2.21-1.9%) including calcium and magnesium. Proteins of the developed composite flour mixes have a high value of rationality index of the amino acid composition (0.87-0.86) and a low value of “comparable redundancy” (5.4-5.9).
Milled red lentil seeds,
wheat baker's flour,
composite flour mix,
biological value,
dietary fibers
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