ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Modern food processing implies using of various additives to improve the processing parameters of foods as well as sensory and texture characteristics. Based on the information on the texture and composition of a commercial sample of yogurt, we have developed new technological solutions in the formulas of yogurts replacing gelatin with dietary fibers and have assessed the suitability of new types of yogurts. We have investigated the physicochemical properties of the developed yogurts using the analysis of viscosity versus shear rate, syneresis and density measurements as well as the light microscopy. The obtained results showed that the developed dairy products have textural, physicochemical and sensory properties similar to those of a commercial product. The results revealed that the commercial yogurt and three developed samples with dietary fibers, i.e. with the xanthan / locust bean gum / modified starch, α- carrageenan / xanthan / sodium polyphosphate / modified starch, and carboxymethylcellulose / xanthan / modified starches did not exhibit syneresis after centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min at 4 ° C. Moreover, all developed yogurts remained homogeneous during their storage due to the fat globules uniformly dispersed in the three-dimensional matrix as shown in the microscopic analysis. The use of emulsifier can prevent clumping of fat globules contributing to texture stabilization of fermented milk products. These studies being closely related with the science of nutrition can contribute to the development of foods with high functionality and sensory characteristics.
Yogurt, dietary fibers, physicochemical properties, viscosity
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