ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


World nutritional science recognizes cheese as a nutritious, biologically wholesome, an easily digestible product. It is an indispensable and essential component of the human diet. In recent years the market of cheeses has changed. Instead of planned deliveries to the industrial centers and the regions of the North and the Far East, shipments of cheese for export and laying it for long-term storage the industry turned to the sales of products under direct contracts with consumers. The changes occurred in the relationship between milk producers, dairy industry and trade, as well as the need for a sharp increase in production of cheeses put forward the task of finding sound technologies, the range of schemes and the organization of cheese production. The main ones are smoothing the seasonality in the production of cheese and the creation of technologies to reduce production cycles. The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics and prospects for the production of soft cheese. Depending on the features of production and technological parameters soft cheeses can be divided into several independent groups with different types of milk clotting, applicable bacterial preparations, ripening conditions, temperature and time regimes generation, use of raw materials of non-dairy origin and fungi of the genus of Penicillium and some other factors. The basis of the production of soft rennet cheeses is the clotting of milk. It comes under the influence of two agents (milk-clotting enzyme and bacterial starter). The work presents characteristics of individual groups of soft cheeses. The influence of the quantity of bacterial starter on the duration of milk coagulation, using different doses of milk coagulating enzymes at different temperature has been investigated. The comparative evaluation of the organoleptic and physico-chemical indices in individual groups of soft cheeses is given. The dynamics of microflora in the development of mild acid-rennet cheese has been studied.
Soft cheeses, milk-clotting enzyme, bacterial starter
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